Florida Boat Accident

Who is Responsible if You’re Injured in a Florida Boat Accident?

Florida is a place lots of people like to visit in the winter. It’s warm year-round. People can enjoy the sun and water no matter what time of year. One way to spend your Saturday night is to rent a party boat and hang out with your friends. You can kick back, have a few drinks and dance until it’s time to go home. The last thing you expect is for the boat to get into an accident and you end up in the hospital.

People get injured in a Florida boat accident all the time. Usually, their injuries are minor because the boat is so large. But that isn’t always the case. You could end up with serious injuries in a party boat accident. You could fall and break your leg. Or, you could go overboard and suffer a head or neck injury. Any of these things can land you in the hospital needing surgery and physical therapy. If this happens to, you should call and talk to a personal injury lawyer in South Florida.

You Need to Pursue the Company that Operates the Party Boat

If you’re injured while on the party boat, you’re going to need to file a claim against the company who owns the party boat. Of course, they’ll have an insurance policy that you can file a claim against. If you’re lucky, your claim will be paid right away. However, there is a chance your claim may be denied.

Your Florida injury lawyer will do their best to get your claim paid. If that isn’t possible, they can help you file a personal injury lawsuit against the company operating the party boat. You have to make sure you file this before the statute of limitations expires. Otherwise, your claim will be dismissed and barred forever.

Call and Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation Today

If you or your teen has been injured on a party boat, you need to contact our office. Let and experienced personal injury lawyer review your case and let you know what your case may be worth. They’ll work with the insurance company to settle your claim. If this isn’t possible, they’ll file suit on your behalf. The initial consultation is absolutely free and you don’t pay anything until you win or settle your case.

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