Is it Worth Filing Suit in Florida for a Whiplash Injury if the Insurance Company Denies Your Claim?

Florida Personal Injury Attorney

Whenever you see a movie involving a car accident case, they tend to show the plaintiff enter the courtroom wearing a neck brace. This is usually a sign that the victim has suffered whiplash. Whiplash is a very common injury experienced after a car accident in Florida. When your neck is stretched too far in … Read more

Can You Collect Punitive Damages in a Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit?

In the movies, personal injury clients seem to walk away with million dollar verdicts. It doesn’t matter what kind of injury they suffered. Their attorneys manage to get them huge settlements. They often talk about punitive damages in these tv shows and films. In the real world, however, it is very hard to get punitive … Read more

Are You Guaranteed Pain and Suffering in Your Florida Personal Injury Case?

When people get hurt in an accident, one of the first things they need to do is call an experienced personal injury lawyer in Florida. They can sit down and meet with a skilled attorney and discuss their case for free. One of the first questions they ask their lawyer is how much their case … Read more

Can You Be Forced to Return to Work in Florida Before You’re Ready?

Florida injury attorney

If you suffer any sort of workplace accident, you’ll probably be entitled to workers compensation in Florida. As long as you meet the basic criteria, you’ll receive medical treatment for your injuries. You’ll also receive replacement wages. These benefits will continue until you’re able to return to work. The question is – who decides when … Read more

Is There Such a Thing as Emotional Distress in Boca Raton, Florida?

Florida personal injury attorneys

If you’ve ever been involved in a personal injury case, then you may have heard of something called emotional distress. When Florida personal injury attorneys go to law school, they learn all about emotional distress. Technically, this is when somebody acts in a reckless or intentional way and causes you emotional stress or anxiety. In … Read more

Can You Sue Someone for Damages in Florida if They Criminally Assault You?

personal injury attorney in Florida

Thankfully, most of us will never know what it’s like to be criminally assaulted by someone. Not only can it cause serious injury, it can also cause a lot of mental anguish. Nobody deserves to be subjected to that kind of treatment. If you report the assault, there’s a good chance the person who assaulted … Read more

If Your Child is Injured and Files a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida, Can You Spend the Settlement Money?

Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida

It doesn’t happen all that often. But, every now and then a parent has to file a personal injury lawsuit in Florida on behalf of their child. This is because minors are not allowed to sue in Florida. Typically, what happens is their mom or dad files suit in their name and makes sure their … Read more

Can You Collect Damages if You Weren’t Physically Injured in a Slip and Fall in Florida?

Slip and Fall in Florida

A lot of people learn what they know about the law from television and movies. They think that, just because they filed a personal injury lawsuit, they’re going to get millions of dollars. This is rarely the case. In fact, very few people ever recover millions of dollars in their injury cases. That’s because you’re … Read more

Can Some in Florida Sue for Premises Liability if They Were Trespassing at the Time of the Injury?

personal injury attorney in Boca Raton

Most people have heard of crazy personal injury lawsuits in Florida where a trespasser or criminal sues the homeowner for damages. Perhaps someone breaks into a stranger’s house and ends up tripping and hurting their back. Or, they are shot while robbing someone and end up needing surgery or a wheelchair. It may sound ludicrous … Read more

Who is Responsible if You’re Injured in a Florida Boat Accident?

Florida Boat Accident

Florida is a place lots of people like to visit in the winter. It’s warm year-round. People can enjoy the sun and water no matter what time of year. One way to spend your Saturday night is to rent a party boat and hang out with your friends. You can kick back, have a few … Read more