The Top 5 Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

truck accident

Truck accidents are an all-too-common cause of death and injury on the roads today, with approximately 5,000 fatalities and 147,000 injuries each year. While most accidents are caused by human error, such as driving while intoxicated or texting while driving, many other factors contribute to truck accidents beyond the driver’s control. These five causes are … Read more

E-Scooter Injuries on the Rise – How to Protect Yourself

e-scooter injuries

Motorized scooters are an answer to a big transportation problem. From eco-friendly transportation alternatives to senior citizen mobility solutions, the popularity of e-scooters is growing exponentially. And along with it–the risk of injuries.  What is an E-Scooter? An e-scooter refers to a broad category of battery-powered transportation devices. These include scooters, hoverboards, e-bikes, and similar … Read more

What is the Statute of Limitations For a Florida Accident Injury?

Florida Accident Injury

Not all accidents end up being a simple fender bender where everyone exchanges information, files a report and goes on their way. In all manner of accidents, all of the repercussions may not show themselves for months (even years) after the incident occurred. So, what are you supposed to do if these injuries show up … Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Hire a Florida Personal Injury Lawyer?

Florida personal injury lawyer

Some people think that their Florida personal injury lawyer can file their claim in a matter of hours. They don’t realize what kind of work goes into preparing your lawsuit. If you get hurt at the hands of another person, there’s a good chance you have a claim for damages. But this means nothing if … Read more

Can a Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Help if You’re Attacked by a Dog in Boca Raton?

Florida Personal Injury Lawyer

Most people like or even love animals. When you see a dog commercial, they show a cute puppy giving everybody at the park kisses. And while most dogs are friendly and lovable, there are times when a dog gets grumpy. Even dogs that are trained really well get angry or vicious from time to time. … Read more

What Kind of Injuries will You Sustain in a Bicycle Accident in South Florida?

South Florida personal injury attorney

Now that it’s a bit cooler in South Florida, a lot of people like to head out for a bike ride. It’s a great way to get exercise and, for some people, it’s an easy way to get around. The problem is that no matter how careful you are, there’s always the chance that you … Read more

Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for a Small Claim?

South Florida Personal Injury Lawyer

People get hurt every day. Maybe you’re involved in a car accident but don’t suffer any serious injuries. Or maybe you fall at the grocery store but only suffer a few bumps and bruises. There are times when it doesn’t make sense to call a  personal injury lawyer. However, it’s not always easy to know … Read more

Do You Need to Hire a Premises Liability Lawyer in South Florida or Can You Work It Out with Your Neighbor?

premise's liability lawyer in South Florida

It’s that time of year when people are starting to make holiday plans. First, we have Halloween which involves going to parties, trick or treating and touring haunted houses. Then we have Thanksgiving. And, in just a couple of months, we’ll be looking at Christmas and New Year’s. This is when we spend a lot … Read more

What are Some of the Most Dangerous Toys for Your Child in Florida?

Florida Personal Injury Lawyers

The holidays are not that far away. Whether it’s a birthday or another occasion, if you have kids, you’re used to buying them toys. And, while we all want our kids to have a great time playing, you also need to keep safety in mind when buying them presents. Florida personal injury lawyers have their … Read more

What Happens if the Court Finds You More than 50% at Fault in Your Florida Car Accident Lawsuit?

Florida Personal Injury Attorney

There are very few car accidents in which one driver is 100% at fault. Usually, even if one driver does something they shouldn’t, the other driver can be found partially at fault. For example, if someone hits you from behind, they will more than likely be found liable for the crash. However, there’s a good … Read more