Common Misconceptions About Who is at Fault in an Automobile Accident

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You’ve been rear-ended, with extensive damage to your car. You’re bleeding. The driver who hit you was also injured, and his front end smashed up. A bad day, but the one ray of light is your confidence that it had to be the other driver’s fault. Not so fast. Evidence discovered by the other driver’s … Read more

Legal Terms in Personal Injury Law

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Doesn’t it seem like lawyers and judges have a language of their own? One that sometimes looks and sounds like English, sometimes doesn’t, but is always strange and hard to understand? That’s because they do.  “Legalese” is the unflattering description of it. Legal English has its peculiar vocabulary, structure, and logic. It includes terms from … Read more

Personal Injury Lawyer in Boca Raton

We already wrote about the types of personal injury and possible compensation for them. It is not an easy field, and some of the injuries require experience and knowledge that most lawyers do not have. The best solution will be to find a personal injury attorney and not only some personal injury lawyer in Boca … Read more