Can Your Florida Car Accident Lawyer Get You Damages for Emotional Distress?

At some point in our lives, most of us will be involved in some sort of car accident. Thankfully, most of these are minor. You call the cops and exchange insurance information with the other driver. But, for the most part, you walk away unscathed. For some people, it doesn’t work out that way. There … Read more

Can a Florida Car Accident Lawyer Guarantee that You’ll Settle Your Case?

Often times, a Florida car accident lawyer will advertise that they can guarantee you a huge settlement. Depending on your case, this may or may not be true. The important thing to remember is that you can only get damages for injuries you’ve actually suffered. Your Florida personal injury attorney represents clients with all sorts … Read more

Are You Guaranteed Pain and Suffering in Your Florida Personal Injury Case?

When people get hurt in an accident, one of the first things they need to do is call an experienced personal injury lawyer in Florida. They can sit down and meet with a skilled attorney and discuss their case for free. One of the first questions they ask their lawyer is how much their case … Read more

Will My Florida Car Accident Lawsuit Be Dismissed if I’m Partially at Fault?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Florida, then you know that it’s rare that anyone is ever 100% at fault. Even if one driver caused the accident, the other driver usually did something to contribute to the crash. Or maybe they didn’t react the way they should. Even if someone thinks they’re … Read more

How Much Can You Get for a Whiplash Claim After a Car Accident in Florida?

Car Accident in FLorida

One of the most common types of injuries in a car accident is whiplash. Even in a minor rear-end car accident, injuries can happen. Whiplash happens when your neck is stretched too far in any one direction. As you can imagine, this is likely going to happen in a car accident. No matter where your … Read more

Can You File a Car Accident Claim in Boca Raton if You Didn’t Respond to a Recall on Your Vehicle?

car accident lawyer in Boca Raton

When an auto manufacturer realizes that there’s a mechanical defect with a certain model car, they send out something called a recall. Usually, these are for little things such as a seatbelt issue or an airbag problem. The recall lets the owner of the car know that there is a problem. It also tells them … Read more

Silver and Silver Supports “Dori Saves Lives”

Dori Saves Lives

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of death amongst young people. In fact, teenagers between 15-19 are twice as likely to die in a car crash as an adult. One of the problems is that young people simply don’t have the experience and skills as older drivers. They don’t realize how dangerous it … Read more

Does Auto Insurance Cover the Car or the Driver in South Florida?

car accident in South Florida

If you’re like most of us, you’ve either lent your car out to someone or borrowed a car at some point in your life. Maybe your car’s in the shop and you have no way to work. Or, you’re moving and need to borrow someone’s pickup truck. That’s what we do for friends and family. … Read more

Can Your Personal Injury Lawyer in South Florida Use the Defendant’s DUI Conviction in Court?

If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, you’re going to be furious. After you manage to recover from your injuries, you’re going to want someone to pay. In this day and age, with companies like Uber and Lyft, there’s no excuse for drunk driving. When someone decides to put their life and the … Read more

Does Car Insurance Cover the Car or the Driver in Florida?

Car accident lawyer in Florida

A lot of car accident victims get scared when they find out the person who caused their accident has no insurance. Maybe the person driving is a teenager and they haven’t even had their license more than a few weeks. Or, it could be someone who borrowed their neighbor’s car. The last thing we think … Read more