How Much Can You Get for a Whiplash Claim After a Car Accident in Florida?

Car Accident in FLorida

One of the most common types of injuries in a car accident is whiplash. Even in a minor rear-end car accident, injuries can happen. Whiplash happens when your neck is stretched too far in any one direction. As you can imagine, this is likely going to happen in a car accident. No matter where your … Read more

Can You File a Car Accident Claim in Boca Raton if You Didn’t Respond to a Recall on Your Vehicle?

car accident lawyer in Boca Raton

When an auto manufacturer realizes that there’s a mechanical defect with a certain model car, they send out something called a recall. Usually, these are for little things such as a seatbelt issue or an airbag problem. The recall lets the owner of the car know that there is a problem. It also tells them … Read more

Who is Responsible if You’re Injured in a Florida Boat Accident?

Florida Boat Accident

Florida is a place lots of people like to visit in the winter. It’s warm year-round. People can enjoy the sun and water no matter what time of year. One way to spend your Saturday night is to rent a party boat and hang out with your friends. You can kick back, have a few … Read more

Can a Bicyclist Ever Be at Fault for an Accident in South Florida?

Bike Accident in South Florida

When someone is riding their bicycle and is hit by a car, the results are usually disastrous. There’s really nothing there to protect the cyclist other than a plastic helmet. Their entire body is at the mercy of the car or SUV that hits them. In most cases, we tend to think of the cyclist … Read more

Silver and Silver Supports “Dori Saves Lives”

Dori Saves Lives

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of death amongst young people. In fact, teenagers between 15-19 are twice as likely to die in a car crash as an adult. One of the problems is that young people simply don’t have the experience and skills as older drivers. They don’t realize how dangerous it … Read more

Can You Sue a Bar for Personal Injuries in South Florida After a Bar Fight?

Personal Injuries in South Florida

Everyone likes to go out and have a good time every now and then. So, what happens if you go to a bar or nightclub and end up getting personal injuries in South Florida after a bar fight? If you’re an innocent bystander, the last thing you should have to worry about is getting injured … Read more

Can Your Personal Injury Attorneys in South Florida Sue if You’re Hurt on a Landlord’s Property?

personal injury attorneys in South Florida

If you get hurt at someone else’s house, you know you need to take action. The first thing you need to do is go to the hospital. This way, you can get treatment and make sure you’re okay. And, it will provide your personal injury lawyer with proof that you were, in fact, hurt. Once … Read more

How Soon After Your Slip and Fall Should You Call a Personal Injury Lawyer in Boca Raton?

Personal Injury Lawyer in Boca Raton

A lot of people think that there’s no need to call a personal injury lawyer in Boca Raton after a slip and fall. They figure it makes more sense to wait and see how bad they’re injured before they call for legal advice. What they don’t realize is that it’s always best to call an … Read more

What is the Benefit of Settling Your Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit

In the movies, plaintiffs in a Florida personal injury lawsuit go to trial and walk out with millions of dollars. In the real world, it doesn’t really work this way. More than 90% of all personal injury cases actually never go to trial. Trials aren’t good for anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re the plaintiff … Read more

What are the Odds of Getting into a Bicycle Accident in Florida?

bicycle accident in Florida

When you think about someone getting into a bicycle accident, you think it could never happen to you. It almost sounds like something you’d see in a movie or television show. How could someone actually get hit by a car while riding their bikes down the sunny streets of Florida? The thing is, these accidents … Read more