Wrongful Death Claims in Florida

wrongful death claim

The death of a loved one is one of the most traumatic events you can go through, especially if another person or entity caused the wrongful death. Other than the emotional toll of losing a family member, a wrongful death can have a devastating effect on a family’s finances. Most wrongful deaths happen so quickly, … Read more

Product Liability Lawyers in Florida Handle All Sorts of Cases

Product Liability Lawyers in Florida

A lot of people think they know what product liability law is. They see recall notices on television and online. They have heard of dangerous toys and other products that have injured toddlers and children. And, it’s hard to escape the dozens of commercials that air every day warning people about the dangers or various … Read more

What Damages are Available for a Wrongful Death Claim in Florida?

wrongful death in Florida

If your loved one is killed in any type of accident, you may have a claim for wrongful death in Florida. Wrongful death is essentially any death that is caused by the intentional, reckless or negligent act of another person. Most wrongful death actions are the result of a car accident, dangerous drug or defective … Read more



In an earlier post this year we looked at the broad outlines of wrongful death claims in Florida. It’s not a pleasant topic. However, we all have to face the fact that traffic accident injuries are sometimes fatal. Those victims obviously can’t make claims for damages. The plaintiffs in wrongful death cases are, rather, the … Read more


e-scooter fatalities accident scene

The July 12 death of wildly popular YouTube star Emily Hartridge in London has turbocharged the controversies over e-scooters.  Ms. Hartridge, 35, was hit by a truck and killed while negotiating busy roundabout on an e-scooter.  British media reports indicate that hers was the first of the e-scooter fatalities in the United Kingdom. Ms. Hartridge’s … Read more


airport injuries scene

Value Jet Flight 592. In 1996 the jet airliner crashed in the Everglades ten minutes after takeoff from Miami. 110 passengers and crew aboard were killed. This was without a doubt Florida’s most horrific aviation disaster. Not the only one, unfortunately. In December 2005, a Chalk’s Ocean Airways seaplane crashed off Miami Beach.  The plane’s … Read more