Who is Liable for Slip and Fall Accidents on a Property?

premise liability

If someone falls on your property, are you liable?

If someone gets a personal injury as a result of a slip and fall accident on your property, you may be held liable for the victim’s injury, especially if you have been found negligent in creating a safe environment for them. As is the case with all property owners, it is essential to mitigate the liability that may arise as a result of a dangerous condition within a property.

Mostly, the crux of who owns liability falls within the duties of the property owner. This may be attributed to a failure to communicate potential dangers to clients effectively until someone is injured. Often, the property owner may be liable legally for injuries sustained by an individual of slip and fall accidents. 

This implies that the property owner should conduct periodic checks to ensure that all possible safety conditions have been put in place to avoid injuries. The condition of safety equipment, and self help services should also be confirmed in a bid to mitigate injury on people.


There are a lot of accidents that can happen in your workplace. Mishaps in the workplace are regarded as “discrete occurrences in the course of work”. These mishaps may lead to mental or physical impairment. Often times, the victims may engage the services of a personal injury law firm with renowned personal injury attorneys. 

The International Labor Organization (ILO) suggests that over 300 million accidents occur in the workplace annually, boosting the occupational-related death figures to over 2 million deaths. 

This figure includes victims of occupational illnesses as well. 

The ILO’s definition of work accidents projects “while engaged in an economic activity, or at work, or carrying on the business of the employer.”


Dealing with slip and fall cases as property owners

Not responsible for accident signs serve as disclaimers, suggesting dangerous areas within the property confines. Putting up signs can make sure clients find warnings about dangerous conditions with the area covered by the property.

These warning signs may project the severity of the danger. For example, an internal circuit board within a building should have a sign which informs everyone of the danger and the severity of the danger, e.g., DANGER- High risk of electric shock. 

Collecting Damages if You Weren’t Physically Injured 


 Property damage cases remain quite commonplace in law courts these days. This may be attributed to growing concerns about increasing levels of negligence on the path of property owners.

The best way to avoid them is to drastically mitigate negligence of any sort on your property. And in the event that there is a risk, indicate boldly, the existence of the said risk.

If you or a loved one has been injured or worse Contact our Boca Raton Slip and Fall attorney Silver Injury Law for a consultation.

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