Florida crash involves stolen car, ends in tragic death

Sometimes, a vehicular crash involves more than meets the eye. In fact, prior criminal acts may have contributed to the resulting crash. This certainly appears to be the case with a recent tragic accident that took place in Florida.

This particular incident occurred after two men purportedly stole a Honda Accord. According to authorities, the men expected to use the vehicle to help them commit other crimes. Police say that before the men could begin their crime spree, the authorities arrived on the scene. That, they say, elicited a “flight response” from the men.

As the car dashed away, the driver reportedly careened past a stop sign and crashed into another vehicle. That vehicle was hit was operated by someone whose name and gender has not yet been provided. What is known about him is that he became the victim of the fiasco, dying from the injuries he suffered.

Florida authorities are now in the process of charging the men in the stolen Honda Accord. They will face criminal charges, including counts concerning the death of the driver who was struck and killed. Even though criminal charges are expected to be filed, the deceased victim’s surviving family has the right to initiate a wrongful death lawsuit against any party whose negligent or reckless conduct caused or contributed to the fatal crash. If the case is proved in civil court, the family could be awarded a judgment for the financial damages sustained as a result of the tragedy. Should convictions be earned in criminal court, proof of them may be offered in civil court as evidence of liability.

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