Boca Raton Dog Bite Attorneys

At Silver Injury Law our Boca Raton Dog Bite Lawyers have been working to protect the rights of dog bite victims since 1993. We help adults and children recover as fully as possible from their injuries. Dog bite victims have a right to be fully compensated for their losses — we put forth every effort toward ensuring this happens.
Dogs have sharp teeth, strong jaws and tenacious grips. When a person is bit by a dog, it is very likely that he or she will be in an enormous amount of pain and will require medical care. Dog bite injuries do not always heal — some stay with the injured person for a lifetime. From disfigurement and scarring to psychological trauma and a newfound fear of dogs, the losses can be significant.

Irresponsible Pet Owners Can Result In Aggressive And Territorial Dogs
In Florida, under a strict liability standard, pet owners are entirely responsible and liable for their pets’ actions as well as damages caused by the attack. In fact, in many instances, the dog is not to blame but rather the irresponsible pet owner. Dog bite claims are typically handled under the pet owner’s homeowners insurance policy.
Document Your Injuries
It can be helpful to document your injuries. Take pictures of the bites and lacerations, take pictures of where the attack occurred and seek prompt medical attention. Along with contacting one of our attorneys, this can be vital and beneficial to your claim.
When Dogs Bite And Attack Children
As the parent of a child who was bitten or attacked by an animal, you should have strong legal representation from the start. Your child has suffered a traumatic event, and we understand that you may be concerned and angry. You may also be unaware of the long road ahead for your child. For example, depending on the extent of the injuries, he or she may require corrective surgery in the future to address scarring or disfigurement on the face, arms, legs, torso and other body parts. It is entirely understandable that your child is now experiencing psychological problems due to the event. We craft settlement demands that take into account the full scope of your child’s damages, including psychological damage as well as the long-term implications of their current injuries.
Discuss Your Dog Bite Injury With Our Boca Raton Dog Bite Lawyers
Silver Injury Law offers a free initial consultation where you can learn more about our legal services. We can be reached by phone at our principal office in Boca Raton by calling 561-279-3911, toll free at (844)977-5297 or via email.