The Role of Dash Cam Footage in Strengthening Your Auto Accident Case

View through a front windshield of a car driving on a highway through the point of view of a dash cam. Depicts the strength of dash cam footage for strengthening a court case.

As road safety technology advances, many drivers are taking proactive measures to enhance their protection on the road. One of the most significant innovations gaining traction is the dash cam—a small camera mounted on the dashboard to record video footage of the road ahead. The increasing popularity of dashcams speaks to a broader shift in … Read more

How an Eyewitness Testimony Can Strengthen or Weaken a Vehicle Crash Claim

A woman with her hand covering her mouth, in shock, on the street. Depicts an eyewitness testimony.

One of the most significant elements that can influence the outcome of a vehicle crash claim is the testimony provided by eyewitnesses. These accounts can provide crucial insights into the moments leading to and during the accident, potentially swaying insurance adjusters, lawyers, and juries. However, it’s important to understand that eyewitness accounts can have both … Read more

The Top 5 Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

truck accident

Truck accidents are an all-too-common cause of death and injury on the roads today, with approximately 5,000 fatalities and 147,000 injuries each year. While most accidents are caused by human error, such as driving while intoxicated or texting while driving, many other factors contribute to truck accidents beyond the driver’s control. These five causes are … Read more


florida personal injury law supreme court building

In our Silver Injury Law, PA blog posts we repeat the importance of getting an experienced personal injury attorney involved ASAP after an accident. Think we’re just blowing our own horn? The cold, hard fact is, Florida personal injury law practice is not like the other 49 states. The laws and the judicial system here … Read more


no fault repeal senate chamber

Florida’s so-called “no-fault” law has been on the brink of repeal again. As recently as April 2, 2019, the news media were breathlessly reporting repeal’s progress. On that date, Florida Senate bill SB-1052 was approved by the Banking and Insurance Committee on a 5-3 vote. It passed from there to the  Appropriations Committee for approval … Read more


damages for pain and suffering in car crash

Car accidents can damage more than our bank accounts. After a serious injury, people may lose the ability to spend time doing what they love. Playing with their children, for example. Or being a good companion to a spouse or life partner. Thus, the physical pain due to the accident is made so much worse … Read more


Negligent repair

Car accident lawyers know that sometimes a negligent party wasn’t present at the scene of an accident their negligence caused. When Silver Injury Law, PA investigates a client’s accident, all possibilities are on the table. One of the avenues that can be fruitful is the maintenance and repair histories of the vehicles involved. Sometimes, a … Read more