Legal Terms in Personal Injury Law

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Doesn’t it seem like lawyers and judges have a language of their own? One that sometimes looks and sounds like English, sometimes doesn’t, but is always strange and hard to understand? That’s because they do.  “Legalese” is the unflattering description of it. Legal English has its peculiar vocabulary, structure, and logic. It includes terms from … Read more

Pricing Your Pain for Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Cases

At some point soon after being hurt in any kind of accident, a person’s thoughts naturally turn to the matter of being made “whole”. The focus then shifts to the question of fault. If another person or persons are to be held accountable, the matter must be directed through the laws governing personal injury. If … Read more

What You Should Do After a Slip and Fall

slip and fall

Slip and fall accidents may seem benign. However, these common accidents can cause serious damage and result in costly medical bills. Broken bones, brain injuries, and spinal injuries are very common with slip and fall accidents. If you have a slip in fall at a store or on someone else’s property, there are a few … Read more

Hip Replacement Product Recalls Are On the Rise

hip replacement recalls

We hear about them all the time in the news. We’ve seen exploding phones and faulty appliances. Even tainted foods and defective vehicles have all graced the front page of papers nationwide, because of concerns for consumer safety. There has been more than 20 major product recalls in 2016 alone. Perhaps most concerning, however, is the rise … Read more

3 Types of Burn Injuries by Degree

types of burn injuries

Types of Burn Injuries Read on for information on the different types of burn injuries, what to look for and when you should see a Doctor. We have all been burned at least once in our life. If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky, as burns can be very painful and sometimes even life-threatening. Learn when … Read more

Personal Injury Lawyer Boca Raton

personal injury lawyer boca raton

If you have been injured in an accident or incident, a personal injury lawyer Boca Raton may be the best asset you can have. With the help of the right legal counsel, you can hold the offending party responsible and fight for what is fair and just. But if you are going to pursue a … Read more

When to Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Delray Beach

personal injury attorney delray beach

A personal injury attorney Delray Beach can be the best asset you have to overcome an accident, injury, or significant setback in your life. With the right legal counsel, you can hold the party that caused the accident accountable and pursue a financial settlement to recover some of what you have lost. When to Contact … Read more

Boynton Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

A Boynton Beach Personal Injury Lawyer can predict the strategies used by hospitals, their attorneys, and by insurance companies to reduce their liability. We are acknowledged for our achievements in the area and have a real history of success. Protect your rights through a Boynton Beach Personal Injury Lawyer. If you are hurt in a … Read more

Delray Beach Personal Injury Attorney

Bruce Silver is a Delray Personal Injury Attorney helping South Florida personal injury victims. A Delray Beach Personal Injury Attorney at Silver Injury Law provides outstanding advocacy and representation to people through South Florida, who have been hurt by the thoughtless activities of another person or thing. Based in Palm Beach County, we’re experienced litigants … Read more