5 Things You Need To Know About Personal Injury Cases


  Injuries are expectedly life-changing and at times, almost impossible to escape regardless of caution. You can call yourself lucky if you haven’t had a serious accident, but certainly, you’ve heard of someone in the news or a friend of a friend who has suffered physically and financially because of an unfortunate event. Regardless, injuries … Read more

Don’t Make These 3 Common Mistakes When Claiming Long-Term Disability Benefits

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  After the onslaught of the pandemic, it has cemented the fact that this world is full of surprises, and most of the time, those aren’t the good kind. A lot of people disregard the need for long-term disability insurance, but what’s even worse is when those insured people don’t get to claim the benefits … Read more

Which of these Causes the Most Motorcycle Collisions?

motorcycle accident lawer in boca raton

What causes the most motorcycle collisions? Motorcycle accidents do not occur as frequently as other types of accidents, but motorcycle crashes are more likely to result in serious injury or death. Statistics have shown that there are 35 times more deaths from motorcycle accidents than from car accidents. Common motorcycle crashes can very often result … Read more

How Can My Florida Personal Injury Attorney Prove Pain and Suffering in My Car Accident Lawsuit?

Florida personal injury attorneys

Most car accidents are minor. Your car may get a few dings and dents. You might even walk away with a few bumps and bruises. But, for the most part, everyone is okay. There are other times, however, car accident victims suffer very serious injuries. When this happens, personal injury attorneys work hard to get them … Read more

Can a Florida Car Accident Lawyer Help if the Person Who Hits You Doesn’t Have Insurance?

Florida Car Accident Lawyer

Everyone who drives in Florida is required to maintain auto insurance. But that doesn’t mean everyone does what they’re supposed to do. Thousands of people get behind the wheel without insurance. They may not have enough money to afford insurance. Or, they didn’t realize their insurance lapsed for non-payment. Then there are some people who … Read more

What Happens if the Court Finds You More than 50% at Fault in Your Florida Car Accident Lawsuit?

Florida Personal Injury Attorney

There are very few car accidents in which one driver is 100% at fault. Usually, even if one driver does something they shouldn’t, the other driver can be found partially at fault. For example, if someone hits you from behind, they will more than likely be found liable for the crash. However, there’s a good … Read more

Is it Worth Filing Suit in Florida for a Whiplash Injury if the Insurance Company Denies Your Claim?

Florida Personal Injury Attorney

Whenever you see a movie involving a car accident case, they tend to show the plaintiff enter the courtroom wearing a neck brace. This is usually a sign that the victim has suffered whiplash. Whiplash is a very common injury experienced after a car accident in Florida. When your neck is stretched too far in … Read more

Can Your Florida Car Accident Lawyer Get You Damages for Emotional Distress?

At some point in our lives, most of us will be involved in some sort of car accident. Thankfully, most of these are minor. You call the cops and exchange insurance information with the other driver. But, for the most part, you walk away unscathed. For some people, it doesn’t work out that way. There … Read more

Can a Florida Car Accident Lawyer Guarantee that You’ll Settle Your Case?

Often times, a Florida car accident lawyer will advertise that they can guarantee you a huge settlement. Depending on your case, this may or may not be true. The important thing to remember is that you can only get damages for injuries you’ve actually suffered. Your Florida personal injury attorney represents clients with all sorts … Read more

Are You Guaranteed Pain and Suffering in Your Florida Personal Injury Case?

When people get hurt in an accident, one of the first things they need to do is call an experienced personal injury lawyer in Florida. They can sit down and meet with a skilled attorney and discuss their case for free. One of the first questions they ask their lawyer is how much their case … Read more