Texting And Driving Accidents
Boca Raton Texting Accident Lawyers
Despite a statewide ban on texting while driving that went into effect on October 1, 2013, Florida drivers continue to place the importance of sending a text message ahead of their own safety and the safety of other motorists. The accidents that occur as a result of texting while driving have been shown to cause extremely severe and often life-threatening injuries. Injured? Learn more about our car accident lawyer Boca Raton services.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that was caused by a distracted driver, you should seek the advice of a reliable personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At the law firm of Silver Injury Law (Boca Raton texting accident attorneys) we represent victims who have been injured due to the negligence of another driver.
Representing Clients in Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, and Throughout South Florida
Cell phone usage is a contributing factor in a growing number of Florida motor vehicle accidents. When drivers look away from the road to read or type a text message, they have no time to react to changing road conditions or a vehicle that stops ahead of them. These full-speed collisions greatly increase the likelihood of serious injuries.
When you hire our firm, we conduct a complete investigation into the accident. We obtain police reports, phone records, witness statements and any other evidence that could help us present a more compelling case on your behalf. We frequently examine the accident scene and attempt to locate additional witnesses who may not have been interviewed at the time of the accident.
In every case, our only concern is to secure the medical care and financial support you will need over the short and long term.
Talk To One Of Our Attorneys About Your Injuries
Contact our firm today to discuss your distracted driving accident claim. You can reach us by phone at our principal office in Boca Raton by calling 561-279-3911 or email-us 24/7 to schedule a free initial consultation. We are also available for consultations in Boynton Beach and Wellington.
All personal injury cases are accepted on a contingency fee basis. You will not pay attorney fees unless we obtain compensation for you.