Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida

If Your Child is Injured and Files a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida, Can You Spend the Settlement Money?

It doesn’t happen all that often. But, every now and then a parent has to file a personal injury lawsuit in Florida on behalf of their child. This is because minors are not allowed to sue in Florida. Typically, what happens is their mom or dad files suit in their name and makes sure their child gets the damages they deserve. Florida personal injury attorneys see cases like this all the time. Maybe your child was hit by a car and sustained physical injuries. Or, they could have been injured by a toy or other product. Just because they’re a child doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to damages.

Because these cases can be a bit confusing, it’s always a good idea to call and talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer in Florida. They can let you know if your child is entitled to damages. They can also negotiate a settlement on their behalf.

What Kinds of Damages Would Your Child Be Entitled To?

If your son or daughter is hurt in any sort of accident, they may be entitled to damages. Obviously, your child doesn’t drive so there won’t any sort of property damages involved in their case. However, if they were hurt in any other sort of case, they may suffer other damages. Some of these may include:

  • Medical bills – If you have to pay out of pocket for your child’s medical treatment, you deserve to be reimbursed.
  • Lost Wages –If you or your spouse are out of work because you have to take care of your child after their accident, you can demand lost wages. This is the money your family lost as a result of the injury.
  • Pain and Suffering – If your child’s injuries are serious, they may be entitled to pain and suffering. This is intended to compensate your child for any mental or physical pain and anguish. It is not meant to compensate the parents for their pain and suffering.

What Happens When Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Florida Settles the Case?

If your child is hurt, you should call and schedule a free initial consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers. They’ll work hard to settle your child’s case. When this happens, the money they receive is meant to go to your child. You can put the money in a trust or use it to pay their medical bills and care. The money they receive is not meant to be spent by their parents.

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